Friday, 31 October 2014

Learning from the draft

After creating our draft version of the music video. we found that it was essential we continuously switched to different camera angles showing the same footage to appear professional and effective and to prevent the audience becoming bored. We also learnt that we need to further emphasise our storyline to ensure the audience does not interpret the material as something different.

The main idea was to create a story of emotion though the movements and expressions of a couple who were no longer happy together. We decided to narrow the focus down to the idea of the female dancer not actually being in the room dancing with him, but was a figure of his illusion; this was not presented as clearly as we hoped in the draft video, therefore we intend to refilm using the same studio, dancers and routine. We recognised that lip synching only occurred at the beginning and end of the video, we will ensure we film coverage of lip synching for the entire song and refer to these clips more frequently throughout in terms of editing for the final version. However certain elements such as costume to present identity and more individual shots will be something we will achieve though revisiting and getting more footage at the studio.

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