Evaluation Question 2
How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?
- The styling that has been used through my digipack, advert and music video are all linking, all have the minimalistic look about them, all three have the monotone colour pallet used throughout. This links back to the genre again of indie/alternative. My digipack and magazine cover are stripped back plain and simplistic with bold shapes and a text that stands out, this again is linking with my video the way in which the dancers are dressed are simple and minimalistic, I feel that as we filmed in a plain white room this made the black costume seem bold and were made to stand out.
- From looking at other digipack's and adverts already produced taking The XX for example, these also have a stripped back look about them using the monotone colours. I feel that this look will attract my target audience.
- A typical point that you will see in videos the male is the main vocalist this have given the video a polished look, again relating to the digipack and advert as they too are both polished.
- The typography that I decided to use on my digipack and advert again matches with the text on the music video with a black background and white text, this also links with the white room and the black costume.
- The shots that are used throughout my video show the narrative of this story line that the girl dancer is in his imagination. The way that the shots and the order of them are shoed portray the meaning the audience.
- The way that the dancers are styled are showed continuously through the ancillary texts.
- Neither of the dancers make direct eye contact with the camera lenses apart from when the boy is lip syncing, throughout this they are both showing emotions though their faces and towards each other this connects and engages the audience in. Both have taken it seriously and want to ensure that they can relate to the public by showing the narrative meaning.
Sophie, I am beginning to sound like a broken record here but due to the brief nature of this post I cannot offer much in the way of specific feedback. Try and use your digipack journey post to help you explain how you arrived at your creative vision and how all the elements connect (even though visually they appear completely different). The key thing to remember is the represenation of your band artist, how do you want the music to apear (as in the style and mood)