Friday, 12 December 2014

Evaluation 3 (draft)

Evaluation Question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?


1 comment:

  1. Sophie, as with your question 4 it is difficult to offer advice when all you have is screen shots of your feedback. As I have suggested to Lauren and Lauren, I recommend that you arrange a screening of your video and have you audience complete a questionnaire on your work, this will enable you to evaluate and appraise their feedback on your final product. The exam board likes to see you reflect on how succesful your final product has been as well as how well you responded to feedback along the way.

    Finally, to access the highest band the examiner would expect to see the following terminilogy

    preferred, oppositional and negotiated reading.

    These terms are faily simple, 'preferred reading' is simply when the audience view/read/understand the product in the way the director intended. Oppositional is when the audience take the opposite view point and negotiated is when an audience can see what the director was attempting, see some weakness but ultimately not dismiss the product.

    If you think in terms of a big mac the preferred reading of a big mac is 'I want one, they're delicious', the oppositional is 'they're bad for your health and will make you fat so I won't eat one' and the negotaited reading is 'I know they're bad for you health but if I only eat the occasional big mac it wont be bad for my health.'
